Risk Factors and Interventions to Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review
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Hemorragia pós-parto, Fatores de risco, Intervenções preventivas, Obstetrícia.

How to Cite

Puertas , M. de V., Brunetta , I. de C., Brunetta , L. de C., Barbero , A. B., & Almeida, G. M. (2024). Risk Factors and Interventions to Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1865–1872. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p1865-1872



This article presents a systematic review of risk factors and interventions to prevent postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), one of the main obstetric complications associated with maternal morbidity and mortality. The analysis encompassed a wide range of clinical studies and systematic reviews, highlighting key risk factors such as primiparity, advanced maternal age, and prior obstetric history of cesarean section, as well as preventive interventions including prophylactic administration of oxytocin, ergometrine, and tranexamic acid. The findings emphasize the importance of early identification of PPH risk factors and implementation of evidence-based preventive strategies to reduce the incidence and impact of this serious obstetric complication.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Mayla de Vasconcellos Puertas , Iara de Campos Brunetta , Lara de Campos Brunetta , Amanda Borges Barbero , Gabrielly Marques Almeida