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Tissue and Organ Harvesting
Dental Ethics

How to Cite

Alves Vieira dos Santos, J., Eloy Dantas , D. C. R., Alves Vieira dos Santos , J., Yvia Assis Henriques , N., Dicksan Silva Meira Lima , S., & Henriques Pereira , S. (2024). COMPOSIÇÃO, FUNCIONAMENTO E ASPECTOS ÉTICOS E LEGAIS DO BANCO DE DENTES HUMANOS DA UEPB . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 953–968.


The Human Teeth Bank (HTB) of the Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB) is a non-profit organization that aims to do the collection, disinfection, sterilization, storing and lending of teeth to the development of scientific researches and laboratory activities.  To that end, this paper sights on presenting an experience report of the activities developed at the HTB by students of the above-mentioned institution, during March of 2022 to March of 2023, emphasizing structural, functional, ethical and intrinsic legal aspects to its composition. The teeth collecting happened through donations from the patients treated at the Clinic of Dentistry from UEPB and from dental surgeons from the Basic Health Units, through the filling of the Written Informed Consent Form (WICF). All teeth were stored in plastic containers, under distilled water and forwarded to the institution's laboratory, where they were registered and handled by students.The total amount obtained was of 81 teeth. Also, it was made the confection and distribution of flyers about the main aspects attached to the HTB. The performed activities cooperated with the control of cross infection on health practices that may occur due to the wrong manipulation of the extracted teeth. Furthermore, the HTB contributes to the decreasing of illegal trade of teeth in the academic environment, through the lending of its teeth to the academic community and the recognition of the tooth as an organ.
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