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dentistry, orthodontics, tooth movement techniques, dental trauma.

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Araujo , A. C. dos S., Miranda , L. V. L. M., Sousa , M. J. L. de, Lima, G. M. S., Marques , B. T. C. R., Guimarães, S. de F., Oliveira , D. K. S. C., Cruz , P. da S., Pacheco , Ádria S. B., & Gonçalves , A. C. de A. (2024). ORTHODONTIC MOVEMENT IN THE FACE OF DENTAL TRAUMA: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 676–690. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p676-690



Considering that the prevalence of dental trauma prior to orthodontic treatment is around 10.7% and that it can exacerbate resorption induced by orthodontic movement, the importance of studies associating trauma with orthodontic movements becomes evident. The objective of this work is to carry out a literature review about the therapeutic approaches and protocols used during orthodontic movement involving traumatized teeth. Through a bibliographic search in PubMed, Google Scholar and Scielo databases, articles between 2000 and 2022 in Portuguese and English were selected. The keywords used were tooth movement techniques; tooth injuries; tooth movement techniques and traumatized teeth, including randomized studies, literature reviews and case reports. According to the researched articles, the orthodontic movement protocol in traumatized teeth involves a previous observation period for each type of trauma. For coronal and crown-radicular fractures without pulp involvement, a period of 3 months should be waited for the initiation of orthodontic treatment and, if there is pulp involvement, extend until there is evidence of pulp and periodontal health; for concussion and subluxation, wait 3 to 4 months; lateral, intrusive, extrusive dislocations and avulsion 1 year of follow-up and for root fractures a minimum period of 2 years is stipulated. Based on this literature review, it is concluded that orthodontic movement in traumatized teeth is not contraindicated, but a good anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examinations, and follow-up are the basis for establishing an accurate prognosis and elaborating a correct treatment plan. treatment.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Caroline dos Santos Araujo , Lucas Vinícyus Lima Maia Miranda , Maria Joana Leite de Sousa , Glayce Maria Serra Lima, Brenda Thalyta Costa Reis Marques , Samara de Freitas Guimarães, Dáffyne Kelly Silva Costa Oliveira , Poliana da Silva Cruz , Ádria Sumaia Belfort Pacheco , Alan Caio de Almeida Gonçalves