Impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nas doenças respiratórias: Um estudo sobre bronquite e bronquiolite aguda em crianças na região norte do Brasil
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Farias, E. C. M. de H., Bertin, M. F. S., Battistuz, F., Avelino, T. B., Peccini, V. A., Junior, E. T. S., Padilha, B. P., Gama, N. M., Menezes, G., Tolentino, L. D., Nunes, G. de S. F. B., Rodrigues, T. L., Silva, T. L. R., Souza, M. H. de F., Pinheiro, N. F., Pereira-Silva, J. W., Almeida, M. B. de, & Paulo, J. M. (2024). Impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nas doenças respiratórias: Um estudo sobre bronquite e bronquiolite aguda em crianças na região norte do Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 569–580.


Respiratory diseases constitute a diverse set of conditions that affect the respiratory system, playing a significant role in healthcare systems. Bronchitis and acute bronchiolitis are two respiratory conditions that significantly impact lung health, especially in young children and some vulnerable groups. The association between bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis and COVID-19 is significant due to the similarities in the respiratory symptoms of these conditions. Both involve inflammation of the airways, resulting in coughing and difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is important to analyse epidemiological profiles before and after the pandemic and understand the impact of the pandemic on hospitalization and deaths associated with bronchitis and bronchiolitis. The main objective of this article was to analyse the prevalence and epidemiological profile of hospitalizations and deaths caused by bronchitis and acute bronchiolitis in children living in the Northern region of Brazil. This is a quantitative, retrospective study that analysed the number of hospitalizations and deaths due to bronchitis and acute bronchiolitis in the North region based on public data from the Hospital Information System (SIH) of the Unified Health System (SUS). During the analysis period, the number of hospitalizations decreased by 6%, but the number of deaths increased significantly. The state of Pará has the highest number of hospitalizations, and the state of Amazonas has the highest mortality rate. Both predominate in children under 1 year of age. Additionally, hospital spending increased by 32% during the COVID-19 pandemic. The significant incidence of bronchitis and acute bronchiolitis in children under one year of age stands out as a primary concern for child health. The inherent vulnerability of this age group, combined with frequent exposure to infectious agents, highlights the need for more effective preventive approaches and management strategies.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Estrela Cecília Moreira de Holanda Farias, Maria Fernanda Siqueira Bertin, Flávia Battistuz, Thayane Barbosa Avelino, Valmir André Peccini, Esio Teodoro Santos Junior, Bruna Pereira Padilha, Nathalia Mendes Gama, Giovana Menezes, Lucas Deocleciano Tolentino, Gabriela de Souza Farias Brandão Nunes, Thaís Lima Rodrigues, Tayná Lima Rodrigues Silva, Matheus Henrique de Freitas Souza, Nicolas Fraga Pinheiro; Jordam William Pereira-Silva; Mariana Belo de Almeida, Jéssica Moura Paulo