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General anesthesia, cesarean delivery, neonatal outcomes, maternal health.

How to Cite

Teixeira , D. S., Ribeiro , B. E. S., Moretto , J. L., Júnior , A. S., Meira , T. A., Almeida , T. T. de, Soares , K. C., Alves , V. N., Alves , A. N., Ponte , C. H. F. da, Vaz , M. M. C., Soares , K. N. da S., Silva , A. C. M. de S. e, & Cavalcante, L. M. B. (2024). ANESTESIA GERAL EM PARTO CESÁREA: IMPACTO NAS REPERCUSSÕES NEONATAIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 521–528.


This study reviewed the relationship between the use of general anesthesia in cesarean deliveries and its consequences for neonatal health. It was found that general anesthesia is often avoided due to its potential risks to the mother, including high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality. Although preference has shifted towards regional techniques due to their safety, the decision between general and regional anesthesia remains crucial, especially in emergency cases. In addition to the risks for the mother, the type of anesthesia also affects the newborn's health, with general anesthesia being associated with a higher risk of neonatal respiratory depression. However, reviewed studies showed divergent results regarding the effects of general anesthesia on neonatal morbidity. Therefore, an individualized and careful approach in choosing anesthesia is essential, considering the benefits and risks for both mother and baby. Further research is needed to fully clarify these effects and guide clinical practice, aiming for safer and more effective obstetric care.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Daniele Souza Teixeira , Bruna Emanuely Sousa Ribeiro , Jéssica Luísa Moretto , Alisson Soares Júnior , Thayse Alcântara Meira , Tatianie Torres de Almeida , Karoliny Costa Soares , Vanessa Nunes Alves , Andressa Nunes Alves , Cyntya Halynne Ferreira da Ponte , Matheus Mourão Cordeiro Vaz , Krizia Nayanne da Silva Soares , Ana Carolini Martins de Sá e Silva , Luciane Mari Brito Cavalcante