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Autism, Diagnosis, Clinical Repercussions

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Fabretti , J. O., Mendonça , A. B., Oliveira , M. de A. S., Sousa , L. M. de, Abreu , S. A., Rocha , L. E. de A., Mazzuco , A., Nanami , C. L., Aquino , R. V. de, Oliveira , M. C. de, Langkammer , L. E. A., Rocha , H. C., Safa , S. N., Aranão , J. P. C., & Maroubo , L. M. (2024). AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER: ADULT POPULATION. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 173–185.


Autism is a multifaceted condition that demands a holistic approach for understanding and intervention. Continuous research, early diagnosis, and the implementation of support strategies are crucial to meet the diverse needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Advancing in this field contributes not only to science but also to the building of a more inclusive and compassionate society. The most common characteristics observed in adults on the autism spectrum include challenges in social interactions, atypical communication, repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities, as evidenced by studies. Clinical repercussions highlight the recurrent presence of comorbidities, especially anxiety and depression, along with challenges in terms of physical and academic health. These clinical complexities necessitate a multidisciplinary and personalized approach. Regarding innovative treatments, research covers specific pharmacological therapies, such as oxytocin administration, and innovative technological approaches, including virtual reality-based therapies and applications. We also emphasize the importance of a holistic approach, considering the variability of the autism spectrum and the need for interventions tailored to individual characteristics. The pursuit of innovative treatments, while promising, is in constant evolution, requiring a continuous and integrated approach in medical practice to improve the quality of life and functionality of adults with autism.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Julia Oliveira Fabretti , Arthur Barbosa Mendonça , Murielle de Almeida Sousa Oliveira , Larissa Moraes de Sousa , Sabrina Aires Abreu , Luís Eduardo de Araújo Rocha , Amanda Mazzuco , Carla Leika Nanami , Ransés Valério de Aquino , Matheus Correa de Oliveira , Laís Eduarda Azevedo Langkammer , Henrique Caixeta Rocha , Seher Nail Safa , João Pedro Cardoso Aranão , Leonardo Mailho Maroubo