Zolpidem is a hypnotic drug, belonging to the imidazopyridine class. Due to its characteristics of sleep induction and maintenance, it is indicated for the short-term treatment of occasional, transient or chronic insomnia. It is a GABAa receptor alpha 1 subunit agonist. Especially within a few years, sleep problems have grown considerably, so the consumption of sedative drugs has entered the scene as one of the main treatments and resolutions. The aim of this study was to analyze the pharmacotherapeutic profile of Zolpidem. In this way, a questionnaire was carried out for volunteers who have already taken or are using the drug. Of the participants, 76% were women, 52% live with partners, 68% have problems sleeping, 72.2% of whom have insomnia. Where 60% of participants did not undergo psychological counseling and 31.3% resulted in relaxation after use. During the development of the work, it can be seen that even though it is a very prescribed and used medicine, it is necessary to address the theme more in campaigns for the rational use of psychopharmaceuticals and, mainly, more scientific initiations and research that address this topic.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriella Goulart, Geórgia Andrade, Victória Gastaldelo, Thainá Magalhães, Ingrid Silva, Júlia Oliveira, Danyelle Marini