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Polycystic ovaries.Clinical gynecology. Infertility.

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Flores , K. M. N., Macedo, T. Q., Pessoa, R. M., Antunes, R. M., Gonzaga, W. P. F., Macedo, T. Q., D’Angelis , A. M., Santos, L. ferreira dos, Pereira, J. I. B., Oliveira , L. A. A. de, Amaral, L. P. E., Formiga, R. L., Ravazoli , S. N., & Flores, K. N. (2024). POLYCYSTIC OVARIES AND THEIR COMPLICATIONS: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 103–120. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p103-120


Stein-Leventhal syndrome, currently known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), is a common ovulatory disorder among women, affecting approximately 6-19% of the female population who are at menacme. It is characterized by presenting hyperandrogenic, reproductive and metabolic changes. Although its origin is complex, the link between genetic predisposition and environmental factors in pathology is proven. Furthermore, the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to PCOS are varied and are believed to be a complex multigenic disorder, including changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, steroid production and insulin resistance. The objective of treatment for PCOS is to reduce the symptoms of hyperandrogenism, regularize menstrual cycles and correct metabolic changes. This work consists of a systematic analysis of the literature, where 47 articles were found, only 16 of which were used. The inclusion criteria were articles that addressed polycystic ovary syndrome, in Portuguese and English. At the beginning of the search, 47 articles that fit the keywords were selected, of which 31 (65.9%) were excluded because they did not deal with polycystic ovary syndrome. In this work, the definition of PCOS, its causes, pathophysiological mechanisms and diagnostic criteria are presented. Furthermore, this article highlights the importance of physical exercise and nutritional guidance as forms of treatment for PCOS, aiming to improve the symptoms of the syndrome. Finally, the importance of early diagnosis and treatment is emphasized, with the aim of preventing metabolic, hyperandrogenic and reproductive changes that affect the quality of life of patients with PCOS.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Kevillyn Maria Nava Flores , Thays Queiroz Macedo, Rayane Muniz Pessoa, Renato Martins Antunes, Wemerson Philipe Ferreira Gonzaga, Thamirys Queiroz Macedo, André Moreira D’Angelis , Luciana ferreira dos Santos, Jorge Igor Balduino Pereira, Lucas Avinner Afonso de Oliveira , Luisa Pandolfi Ermita Amaral, Renata Leão Formiga, Stephany Neres Ravazoli , Kimberlly Nava Flores