Role of Laparoscopy in Minimally Invasive Resection of Colorectal Tumors
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Laparoscopy, Resection, Colorectal Tumors.

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Casarim, F. C. P., Azevedo, I. Z. R., Sampaio , T. de M., Lemes, M. L. E. S., Alves, I. B., Vale , N. C. S. O., Padrão, A. F. K., Miranda, V., Yamashita , F. A., Coimbra, J. de O., Yamashita, I. A., Pantoja, L. S., & Fraschetti, J. P. L. (2024). Role of Laparoscopy in Minimally Invasive Resection of Colorectal Tumors. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 28–44.


Introduction: Colorectal tumors refer to abnormal cell growths that develop in the colon or rectum. Thus, laparoscopy has become a surgical approach in the treatment of colorectal tumors, considered minimally invasive, as its benefits include rapid recovery, lower risk of complications and preservation of post-surgical quality of life. Objective: To analyze and elucidate the role of laparoscopy in the minimally invasive resection of colorectal tumors, seeking to understand the clinical benefits, the repercussions on postoperative quality of life and the challenges associated with this surgical approach. Methodology: The Scielo, Medline and Pubmed databases were used, searching for articles published between the years 2029 and 2023, in Portuguese or English. Final considerations: In summary, laparoscopy plays a crucial role in the minimally invasive resection of colorectal tumors, offering significant benefits compared to traditional surgical approaches. Therefore, the application of the surgical technique has been associated with several advantages, including shorter recovery time, lower rate of postoperative complications, shorter hospital stay and better aesthetic results.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Fernanda Caroline Pulido Casarim, Igor Ziank Reis Azevedo, Thamiris de Moura Sampaio , Maria Leticia Estefano Saldanha Lemes, Ingrid Borges Alves, Natália Cristina Silva Oliveira Vale , . Andreza Foureaux Kruger Padrão, Vinícius Miranda, Fernando Akio Yamashita , Jessica de Oliveira Coimbra, Isis Akiko Yamashita, Laryssa Souza Pantoja, Julia Pereira Lima Fraschetti