Gastric cancer: a literature review
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gastric cancer

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Marques Lins, M. S., Arruda Pereira Vieira , M., Mendonça Raphael Braz , J. P., Rocha Pinon Teixeira de Araújo, G., Avila Gomes , C., Andrade Pereira Porto , J., Torres Avelino, R., Ossani, A., Barbosa Holanda , H., Lacava Letuivinski Santos , J., Queiroz de Magalhães, L., & Augusto Cavalcanti Braz , R. (2024). Gastric cancer: a literature review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 2224–2233.


This article aims to scan the current medical literature on gastric cancer, focusing on epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, prevention and currently applied treatments. This is an integrative review using the VHL, SciELO, LILACS and PubMed as databases over the last 5 years. 252 articles on the topic were evaluated with an emphasis on a synthesis of the most recent knowledge and greater scientific consistency. Gastric cancer (GC) is the second leading cause of cancer death and the fourth most common cancer in the world. The prognosis of GC is essentially based on its staging and is related to the depth of tumor invasion and the presence of lymph node metastases. It is concluded that the presence of a lesion with an insidious or even asymptomatic presentation contributes to the high rate of diagnoses already in advanced stages of the disease, compromising treatment.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Marie Stephany Marques Lins, Millena Arruda Pereira Vieira , João Pedro Mendonça Raphael Braz , Gabriel Rocha Pinon Teixeira de Araújo, Cibele Avila Gomes , Júlia Andrade Pereira Porto , Rômulo Torres Avelino, Andreza Ossani, Henrique Barbosa Holanda , Jeniffer Lacava Letuivinski Santos , Lorena Queiroz de Magalhães, Ricardo Augusto Cavalcanti Braz