Neoplasia de mama na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil: Uma investigação do perfil epidemiológico entre formas benignas e malignas
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Neoplasia de mama
Região Centro-Oeste

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Silva, T. L. R., Santos, T. L. L. dos, Oliveira, G. B., Mororo, B. G., Miranda, G. G., Silva, E. J. A. L., Farias, E. C. M. de H., Pereira-Silva, J. W., Proença, R. M. de O., Feronatto, C., Rodrigues, T. L., Figueiredo, K. L. dos S., Real, K. C., Almeida, M. B., Junior, E. T. S., & Filho, M. C. (2024). Neoplasia de mama na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil: Uma investigação do perfil epidemiológico entre formas benignas e malignas. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 2164–2175.


Breast cancer represents a health problem, being one of the most diagnosed cancers in women in the world. This condition refers to the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue, resulting in a mass or tumor. The complexity of this phenomenon lies in the variety of forms that breast cancer can take, from benign lesions to more aggressive malignancies. Assessment of the epidemiological profile of hospital admissions for breast cancer plays a fundamental role in the comprehensive understanding and effective management of this health condition. In this way, by recognizing the importance of evaluating the epidemiological profile of breast cancer, we are contributing to the construction of effective prevention and control strategies, aiming to improve the health of the population and reduce the impact of this condition on Brazilian society. The objective of this work was to outline the epidemiological profile of hospitalizations and deaths caused by breast cancer in the Central-West region of Brazil, between 2019 and 2023. During the period, 20,520 hospitalizations and 1,807 deaths were recorded, this means an increase of 9% and reduction of 3%, respectively. Brown women, aged between 50 and 59 years, were responsible for most hospitalizations. Furthermore, the state of Goiás had the highest number of hospitalizations. The profile of the most affected populations can serve as a basis for improving health policies, aiming to create strategies to further reduce hospitalizations and deaths from this disease. In summary, the epidemiology of breast neoplasia provides a comprehensive overview that serves as a basis for formulating public health strategies.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Tayná Lima Rodrigues Silva, Tainá Leal Lima dos Santos, Gedeão Batista Oliveira, Bruna Gulminetti Mororo; Gabriella Gulminetti Miranda; Eduardo José Auzier Lima Silva, Estrela Cecília Moreira de Holanda Farias; Jordam William Pereira-Silva; Rafaela Maria de Oliveira Proença, Camila Feronatto, Thaís Lima Rodrigues, Kaísa Lindomara dos Santos Figueiredo, Kellen Cristina Real, Mariana Belo Almeida, Esio Teodoro Santos Junior, Marcelo Costa Filho