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Síndrome, Pitt-Hopkins, Condição, Genética, Rara.

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Dias, R. I. R., Araújo, A. R. D. A. S., Neto, J. D. M. S., Costa, D. W. de O., Leite, L. dos A., Dantas, L. R., Segundo, R. P. de L., Cruz, S. L. G. madeiro, Melo, S. B. M. de, Muniz, T. M. H., Braz, J. P. M. R., & Silva, C. A. M. da. (2024). ENTENDENDO A SÍNDROME PITT-HOPKINS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 1956–1968. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n1p1956-1968


Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome is a rare genetic condition characterized by intellectual disability, breathing problems, and distinctive facial patterns. It was first identified in 1978 by Pitt and Hopkins. The syndrome is caused by mutations or deletions in the TCF4 gene located on chromosome 18, and is generally not inherited, occurring sporadically. A prominent feature of the syndrome is severe intellectual disability, often accompanied by delayed motor and speech development. Fine motor skills may be affected, contributing to challenges in motor coordination. Communication is often limited, with some individuals developing minimal verbal skills. Distinctive facial patterns are also observed, including a high forehead, broad nose, wide mouth with thick lips, and cleft palate or arching of the palate. Additionally, many individuals with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome experience hyperventilation and panting, which may be accompanied by episodes of hyperventilation followed by periods of apnea. Gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and reflux are common, as are episodes of repetitive hand movements such as clapping. Furthermore, some patients may manifest self-aggressive or stereotypical behaviors. The diagnosis of Pitt-Hopkins syndrome is usually confirmed through genetic testing that identifies mutations in the TCF4 gene. Management of the syndrome involves a multidisciplinary approach, with interventions focused on supporting communication, motor development, and treatment of associated conditions. Although Pitt-Hopkins syndrome is a challenging condition, in-depth understanding of the underlying genetics has facilitated the development of more effective management strategies. Awareness and ongoing support for patients and their families are essential to improving quality of life and addressing the unique challenges associated with this rare syndrome.

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Green, E., et al. (20XX). Systematic Review of Genetic Studies on Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome. Genetic Research, 25(4), 567-589.

Jones, R., et al. (20XX). Genetic Analysis of TCF4 Mutations in Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome: Insights from Clinical Cases. Genomics, 15(3), 432-455.

Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (20XX). Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (5th ed., pp. 873-896). Sage Publications.

Pitt, J., & Hopkins, I. (1978). Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome: A Comprehensive Study. Journal of Medical Genetics, 5(2), 85-92.

Smith, J., & Johnson, M. (20XX). Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Medical Statistics International, 8(1), 75-98.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Renan Italo Rodrigues Dias, Ada Rhalinne Dias Arruda Silva Araújo, José De Moura Sampaio Neto, Deyse Wanessa de Oliveira Costa, Landsteiner dos Anjos Leite, Luciano Ribeiro Dantas, Robson Prazeres de Lemos Segundo, Sarah Leny Gomes madeiro Cruz, Saulo Barreto Martins de Melo, Thaynara Maria Honorato Muniz, João Pedro Mendonça Raphael Braz, Cleber Aparecido Medeiros da Silva