This article provides a literature review on Personality Disorders (PD), focusing on diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The analysis spans studies from the last ten years, highlighting the transition to a dimensional approach in diagnostic criteria and the diversity of effective therapeutic strategies, including cognitive-behavioral and dialectical-behavioral therapies. The clinical complexity of PDs, the frequent presence of comorbidities, and therapeutic challenges are discussed. Future perspectives in PD research are explored, emphasizing the need for innovative therapeutic strategies and an enhanced understanding of neurobiological foundations. The review aims to contribute to more holistic clinical practices and inform future research in the field.
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Copyright (c) 2024 José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Aira Monique Farias Ramos, Ana Júlia Padão Cervo, Braz Martins Neto, Caio Mário do Couto Maldonado, Dolores Tavares , Francisco Flávio Fontenele Filho, Giordana Gregório Fritsch , Juliana Souza Prudente , Lorenna Luiza Almeida Miranda de Carvalho, Lucas de Lima Zaias , Marculina Barros de Carvalho Bolwerk, Nara Lis Freire Benigno , Nauana santos de Jesus, Nydia Lorena Siqueira Nieto, Rafaela Bollini Polycarpo, Sarah Geia Yaktine , Shakespeare Viana Carvalho , Thauana Santana de Sá