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Menstrual Cycle; Microbial Profile; Skin; Skin Health; Hormonal Variations.

How to Cite

Bezerra, M. C. P., Veloso, V. T. de F., valcanaia, A. effting, Trevizan, I. D., Sousa , A. B. G. da S., Dias , Z. D., Alvarenga, T. S., Pinheiro, P. W. T., Pagotto, M. A., Antonio, E. M. E. G., Silva, C. L., Cruz, T. R., Kaufmann, M. W., Lisboa, E. G. da S. C. de, & Teixeira, S. N. L. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE MICROBIAL PROFILE OF THE SKIN IN DIFFERENT PHASES OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 1218–1240.


The aim of the article is to investigate and analyze variations in the skin microbial profile throughout different phases of the menstrual cycle. The research aims to provide insights into the dynamic interactions between hormonal fluctuations and cutaneous microbial composition, contributing to a deeper understanding of women's skin health. Methodology: A systematic search was conducted on academic databases including Scielo, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, using keywords such as "cutaneous microbiota," "menstrual cycle," and "hormonal fluctuations." Studies published in the last 15 years were selected, prioritizing original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.Results: Challenges and gaps in research were explored, encompassing the complexity of variables, the necessity for longitudinal studies, and individual variability. Additionally, considerations on hygiene and personalized skincare were discussed, recognizing the importance of adapting practices throughout the menstrual cycle. The complexity of interactions was emphasized, underscoring the need for a personalized approach and comprehensive studies to better comprehend women's skin health. Conclusion: Research on interactions between skin characteristics, hormonal fluctuations, and microbial profile throughout the menstrual cycle highlights the dynamic complexity of this field. A personalized approach and longitudinal studies are crucial for advancing the understanding and care of women's skin health.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Mariana Cunha Paes Bezerra, Victor Thadeu de Freitas Veloso, Angelita effting valcanaia, Iara Dall’Agnol Trevizan, Ana Beatriz Gomes da Silva Sousa , Zaine Dupim Dias , Thaís Sant'Anna Alvarenga, Pedro Wanderley Torres Pinheiro, Mirela Aguiar Pagotto, Ester Meire Ellen Gomes Antonio, Carolinne Lisboa Silva, Tailine Ribeiro Cruz, Moises Wolfart Kaufmann, Elizângela Greik da Silva Cavalcante de Lisboa, Sean NG Lui Teixeira