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Fetal Heart Disease; Prenatal diagnosis; Fetal mortality; Congenic cardiopathic

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Garcia , C. B. M. de S., Silva, G. U. da, Silva, B. R. M., Rodrigues, C. P. de J., Amorim, A. M. de M., Macedo , E. moura, Paula, K. B. de, Belém, L. C. V., Santos, Álvaro S. P. dos, Filho, M. F. da S., Silva , A. L. S. Z. M. P. da, & Cunha, Ítalo Íris B. R. da. (2024). FETAL HEART DISEASE: HEART MALFORMATIONS A LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 602–615. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n1p602-615


Fetal heart disease, a condition that affects the cardiovascular development of the fetus, can result in significant intrauterine functional impairment. The complexity of these conditions can affect not only the cardiovascular system, but also influence fetal growth and the function of other organs. Therefore, the importance of continuous monitoring during pregnancy aims to early detect possible changes in blood flow and oxygenation in the fetus. Furthermore, it highlights the need for a multidisciplinary approach, involving pediatric cardiologists, obstetricians, and neonatologists, to optimize neonatal management and outcomes. Objectives: Analyze the types of heart disease and their implications for the cardiovascular system, highlighting the different types of congenital malformations in the cardiovascular system. Methodology: This is descriptive research of the narrative literature review type, which sought to highlight the types of heart diseases and their congenital malformations in the intrauterine fetus and presenting the fetal diagnosis through fetal echocardiography. The research was carried out through online access to the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases in December 2023. Results and Discussions: Congenital heart disease affects around 40% of fetuses, being one of the most common malformations and considered to have the highest mortality rate. For the diagnosis used for this pathology, fetal echocardiography plays a fundamental role in the early detection of these malformations, allowing a detailed evaluation of the cardiac anatomy. Among the frequent heart diseases identified are intraventricular communication, atrioventricular septal defect, interatrial communication and patent ductus arteriosus. Each of these conditions has distinct characteristics, from the different affected regions to abnormalities in the valve structures. Conclusion:  Understanding fetal heart disease and its impact on intrauterine functional impairment is a field in constant evolution. Collaboration between researchers and health professionals is essential for improving therapeutic measures and surgical interventions carried out when necessary, improving results for both the fetus and the mother, thus reducing the risk of fetal death

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Camilo Bruno Melo de Souza Garcia , George Utta da Silva, Bruce Ramos Menezes Silva, Clarice Pereira de Jesus Rodrigues, Aline Maria de Melo Amorim, Emanuelle moura Macedo , Kettelen Barros de Paula, Laura Cid Vieira Belém, Álvaro Sanataniel Pereira dos Santos, Manoel Ferreira da Silva Filho, Allan Lobato Sant'anna Zakir Matias Padovani da Silva , Ítalo Íris Boiba Rodrigues da Cunha