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Politraumatizado; Trauma pediátrico; Pediatric advanced Life Support PALS; Triângulo de Avaliação Pediátrica.

How to Cite

Cascabulho, A. M. E., Magalhães, W. L. R., Peloso, J. M., Novaes, J. T. de, & Rezende, J. A. (2024). PEDIATRIC POLYTRAUMA: CASE REPORT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 592–601.


Polytrauma is characterized as multiple injuries to at least two organs or two distinct parts of the body caused by an external force of a physical or chemical nature.2 It is considered the leading cause of death in the first four decades of life.3 Thus, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) assists in care by standardizing initial care for pediatric polytrauma and defines priorities in the approach.1 The aim of this case report is a retrospective, cross-sectional study, with an analysis of the polytrauma patient's medical records, highlighting the importance of adequate initial care standardized by PALS and its prevention, contributing to a positive prognosis. The data reported was obtained by accessing the patient's medical records and interviewing the patient's mother. A bibliographic review was carried out on the Scielo, Google Scholar, Brazilian Society of Pediatrics periodicals and Pediatric advanced life support (PALS) research platforms. The clinical case describes a pediatric polytrauma victim of a pedestrian-car accident, with pulmonary contusion, right pneumothorax, right rib fracture and right clavicle fracture, in a male patient aged 4 years and 11 months. The initial care was based on the PALS, consisting of a systemic approach to the seriously ill child. Based on this approach, with laboratory tests and imaging exams, the treatment was conservative, with the use of a sling, asymptomatic and oxygen therapy. The outcome was favorable, and the patient was discharged after 5 days in the Intensive Care Unit, with a referral to the attending pediatrician.The case report evaluates pediatric polytrauma, demonstrating the need for a systemic approach, so that it is possible to quickly recognize signs of respiratory distress, respiratory failure and shock, and immediately carry out interventions. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the need for preventive measures since the majority of pediatric traumas in Brazil are avoidable.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Maria Esteves Cascabulho, Wellington Luiz Rodrigues Magalhães, Julia Marinho Peloso, Juliana Teixeira de Novaes, Júlia Abreu Rezende