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Cardiology, Extubation, Pediatrics, Predictors.

How to Cite

Nascimento, T. R., Lima, E. E. O. da S. M., Leal, C. R. F., Soares, M. K. F., Viana, T. C. P., Lobo, C. C. F., Mattar, A. L. R., Dumont, F. E., Alves, T. da costa, Souza , A. B. P. de, Fernandes , C. dos S., Sousa , L. G. L. F., & França, Érica C. de. (2024). “FACTORS PREDICTING SUCCESS IN OROTRACHEAL EXTUBATION OF INDIVIDUALS ADMITTED TO PEDIATRIC ICU WITH EMPHASIS ON CARDIOLOGY”. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 337–353. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n1p337-353


 To highlight, from the literature, the repercussions of early extubation performed on children after cardiac surgery. Methods: This is an integrative review. To develop the guiding question, the PICo strategy was applied: P - Child; I - Repercussions of cardiac surgery; Co - Early extubation. Furthermore, the following databases were used: Embase, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and the virtual library Scientific Electronic Library Online and timeless search. N = 6,836 studies were found, and n = 4 articles were selected to compose this review. For orotracheal extubation in pediatric patients, it is strongly recommended to assess their readiness. However, the use of a device or practice that was superior to clinical judgment has not yet been accurately determined. Results: Early extubation after cardiac surgical procedures has gained prominence in recent years, becoming a perioperative care practice capable of reducing the demand for analgesic and sedative medications, given that endotracheal intubation can be considered a harmful stimulant. Final considerations: Therefore, it was possible to understand the repercussions of early extubation after pediatric cardiac surgery, in addition to understanding the concerns related to the safety of this practice, due to the limited evidence of its use in children. Furthermore, there was a lack of studies related to the topic, highlighting the need for new research that addresses the effects of early extubation and its repercussions for pediatric patients.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Thiago Ruam Nascimento, Emylly Evyn Oliveira da Silva Matos Lima, Cassiano Richel Ferreira Leal, Maíra Kézia Freire Soares, Tamara Caroline Pereira Viana, Cicera Cristina Ferreira Lobo, Ana Luiza Rilko Mattar, Fani Elesbão Dumon, Tatiane da costa Alves, Ana Beatriz Pereira de Souza , Carina dos Santos Fernandes , Letícia Graziela Lopes França Sousa , Érica Carla de França