The Importance of Primary Care in the Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer
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Breast Cancer
Primary Care
Women's Health

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Lemos Schuler, M. F. D., de Araujo Costa , Y. F., Santos da Silva Rodrigues, I. C. dos, do Nascimento, A. C. F., do Nascimento, B. T. S., de Paula, Y. L., Moura, K., Silva Bezerra, R. da, Bitanti, R. M., Alves Barbosa, S. R., & Zanoni, R. D. (2024). The Importance of Primary Care in the Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 544–554.


OBJECTIVE: To describe the importance of primary care in the prevention and early detection of breast cancer. METHOD: It consists of an integrative review, carried out based on the following guiding question: How important is primary care in the prevention and detection of breast cancer? using the PICO strategy, where “p” population: women receiving primary health care, “I” interest: The importance of primary care in detecting breast cancer in women, and “C” and “O” context: Impacts of breast cancer on women and how primary care prevention and detection can reduce them. The filter used for the searches was with the descriptors: “Primary health care”; “Breast neoplasms”; “Disease prevention”, using the Boolean operator “AND” and “OR”. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 6 articles, which resulted in 2 categories: Perception of health professionals in primary care regarding the detection and prevention of breast cancer; Breast cancer prevention. CONCLUSION: It is understood that the support of the health professional is of great importance during care for women, comprehensive support must be offered to women, welcoming them in Primary Care, resolving all their doubts about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, raising awareness about the importance of knowing your body.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Fernanda De Lemos Schuler, Yasmim Ferreira de Araujo Costa , Isabela Carolina dos Santos da Silva Rodrigues, Ana Carla Feitosa do Nascimento, Bianca Thaís Silva do Nascimento, Yago Luciano de Paula, Karla Moura, Rodrigo da Silva Bezerra, Rafael Martins Bitanti, Sarah Raquel Alves Barbosa, Rodrigo Daniel Zanoni