Introduction: One of the main factors for success in dental implant treatment is osseointegration. The biological response is directly related to the physicochemical properties of surfaces that are capable of altering the response of adjacent tissue cells by modifying collagen migration, insertion, proliferation and synthesis at the site, thereby determining the type of tissue to be obtained at the interface. implant bone and its integration.
Objectives: This study aims to review the different surface types of dental implants correlating them with osseointegration rate, chemical composition and surface roughness of titanium.
Methodology: We searched the databases Lilacs, Medline, Science direct, Scielo and Pubmed, and then selected articles from the last 15 years, in English and Portuguese.
Results: On sandblasted and acid-treated (SLA) titanium plasma (TPS) implant surfaces the results demonstrated that both roughness and chemical surface treatment can greatly influence the shear surface strength (resistance offered to removal).
Conclusion: Different treatment surfaces should be searched for the best indication of a given treatment.
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