The use of Piezoeletric in dentistry: Literature review
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Ultrasonic, Dentistry, piezosurgery and Vibration.

How to Cite

Fonseca, R., Flexa Ribeiro Horta, D., Vieira da Silva Gomes, C. E. ., Fernandes de Menezes, S. A. ., & Almeida Machado, L. F. (2020). The use of Piezoeletric in dentistry: Literature review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2(10), 34–42.


Introduction: Piezoelectricity appeared in the middle of the 19th century, the ultrasonic piezo consists of the use of an ultrasonic device, capable of cutting mineralized bone tissue, without damaging the soft tissue, which is one of its main advantages when compared to conventional techniques with drills, saws and instrumental.

Objective: This study aims to conduct a literature review about the various uses of piezoelectricity in dentistry.

Materials and Methods: For the preparation of this article, a narrative review of the literature was carried out, using the databases: PUBMED / MEDLINE, Google academic, Scielo, Revodonto, LILACS, BBO and CAPES Portal. Articles were selected that addressed the subjects of ultrasound surgery, piezosurgery, alternative surgical techniques and surgical vibration devices.

Discussion: According to the theory of the Curie brothers, the piezoelectric effect occurs through the use of specific types of ceramics and crystals such as quartz, which undergo deformations when an electric current pass through them, resulting in ultrasonic frequency oscillations and when applied. if on a surface these mechanical vibrations generate a rupture in the molecular cohesion cause cavitations on this surface.

Conclusion: Ultrasonic piezosurgery proves to be a safe and effective device for performing surgical procedures in dentistry, due to the protection of soft tissues, better hemostasis, decreased noise and vibration, decreased stress and fear of the patient, minimizing damage to structures noble as nervous vascular bundles.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ricardo Fonseca, Danielle Flexa Ribeiro Horta, Carlos Eduardo Vieira da Silva Gomes, Sílvio Augusto Fernandes de Menezes, Luiz Fernando Almeida Machado