Sustainable Dentistry: recycling lead sheets from radiographic films
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Dental Waste
Sustainable Development

How to Cite

Piardi, R., & Conde, A. (2024). Sustainable Dentistry: recycling lead sheets from radiographic films. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 153–164.


The reduction in waste production through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse is one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN). The management of solid waste from health services reflects a conduct of social and environmental responsibility. Thus, the objective of this study was to give employability to the metal component of the radiological residue. For this purpose, a Young arc was made of recycled material, through the casting of the lead sheets of the radiographic films. For this purpose, the collection of the lead slides of the radiological residue was carried out, subsequently, the making of a Young arc in wax was carried out and from its mold in phosphate-based coating, the lead was cast to obtain the Young arc in recycled material. Knowledge regarding the recycling of lead slides from radiographic films is of extreme relevance and, at the same time, important information that can minimize the environmental impacts related to their disposal. Thus, through the present study, it was possible to give employability to the metal component of the radiological residue, through the manufacture of a Young arc in recycled material.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rafaela Piardi, Alexandre Conde