Lung Injury Associated With the Use of Electronic Cigarettes: Literature Review
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lung injury
electronic cigarette

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Carneiro Vieira, I., Matos Falcão de Andrade, C., Veras de Sousa, I., Costa Tomaz, W., Carlene Sampaio de Melo, M., Praciano Costa , M., Mendonça Trajano, F., Curinga Coutinho, M., Layane Silva Souza, V., Aguiar Neves Osterno, L., Moraes Aragão, K., Martins Coelho, J., Sousa Ferreira, L., Milena Siqueira Moura, M., Pereira Menezes Neto, E., Bezerra Queiroz, M., Milfont Gualberto Magalhães, C., Henrique Freire Carvalho, P., Sérgio Rocha, F., Custódio Vieira Braga, M., de Sá Roriz Filho, W., & Malveira Linhares Furtado de Vasconcelos, C. (2024). Lung Injury Associated With the Use of Electronic Cigarettes: Literature Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 57–66.


E-cigarettes, a widely used emerging product, are facing growing popularity despite little research into their health risks. Electronic Cigarette Use Associated Lung Injury, or EVALI, has become a prominent concern in recent research, expanding the need to understand the health effects of vaping, given the diversity of technologies and liquids involved. An integrative review was carried out to analyze the relationship between electronic cigarettes and lung injuries, using the PubMed database. 664 articles were selected, with inclusion criteria based on human studies published between 2018 and 2023. The analysis, exclusion and selection process was carefully conducted by the authors. Electronic cigarettes, consisting of a battery, atomizer and liquid, stand out due to the uncertainty about their health effects, in contrast to traditional cigarettes. EVALI, predominantly associated with the vaporization of THC products, reveals serious symptoms and significant risks. The complex composition of e-liquids, especially when exposed to high temperatures, generates harmful substances, including carbonyl compounds, suspected of causing oxidative stress and inflammation in the airways. The integrative review highlights the lack of consensus on the safety of electronic cigarettes and the urgency in understanding the associated risks. EVALI, as a diagnosis of exclusion, highlights the need for immediate investigation in the event of respiratory symptoms. Treatment and monitoring of EVALI patients requires a careful approach, considering clinical and risk factors. Public education about potential dangers and cessation strategies becomes crucial, especially among young people.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Iana Carneiro Vieira, Caroline Matos Falcão de Andrade, Iasmim Veras de Sousa, Wellington Costa Tomaz, Maria Carlene Sampaio de Melo, Marine Praciano Costa , Filliphe Mendonça Trajano, Mônica Curinga Coutinho, Valéria Layane Silva Souza, Luana Aguiar Neves Osterno, Karine Moraes Aragão, Jordan Martins Coelho, Larissa Sousa Ferreira, Marla Milena Siqueira Moura, Elesbao Pereira Menezes Neto, Milena Bezerra Queiroz, Camila Milfont Gualberto Magalhães, Pedro Henrique Freire Carvalho, Francisco Sérgio Rocha, Matheus Custódio Vieira Braga, Walter de Sá Roriz Filho, Cibele Malveira Linhares Furtado de Vasconcelos