INTRODUCTION: Childhood cancer comprises a group of diseases (solid tumors and systemic diseases) that occur in any part of the body, compromising tissues and organs of individuals under 15 years of age. In Brazil, an annual incidence of around 7 thousand cases per year is estimated. Among the neoplasms, we highlight those that affect the oral cavity and pharynx, configuring a public health problem according to international and national studies. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological profile of Oral and Pharyngeal Cavity Neoplasia between 2017 and 2022 in Brazil, considering the socioeconomic and demographic profile of the population through data hosted by the Ministry of Health. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional descriptive study with an approach quantitative and qualitative, based on the collection of data present in the Hospital Morbidity System, hosted at DATASUS on Oral and Pharyngeal Cavity Neoplasia between 2017 and 2022 in Brazil, reported in Brazil between the periods of 2017 and 2022. The data totaled 4,862 cases in this period. The indicators used were: federation units; gender; age group; and region of occurrence. For the literature review, the keywords and the main subject about Neoplasia of the Oral and Pharyngeal Cavity were relevant using the databases of the SciELO and PubMed platforms. Articles published in the last 15 years were selected and focused on describing the cause of the main forms of proliferation and defining the problems that increase the infection of the Brazilian population. RESULTS: Brazil carried out immediate compulsory notification of 4,862 cases of Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal Neoplasia between the years 2017 and 2022. The gender that presented the greatest manifestations of Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal Neoplasia was male, accounting for 2,760 ( 56.76%) of notifications. The most affected age group was children aged 15 to 19 years old, where they had the highest incidence of hospitalizations with 1,760 (36.19%) cases. These data raise the question of how gender and age factors may be related to this type of cancer. This could be linked to behavioral patterns, exposure to risk factors or even differences in the search for health care. CONCLUSION: Based on the data presented, it is clear that oral cavity and pharyngeal neoplasms are a public health problem of great importance in Brazil, which significantly affects children and adolescents. The results mentioned above highlight the need for government measures, such as encouraging early diagnosis and elucidating the signs of the disease for citizens, especially those responsible, since the pediatric population is dependent on their care.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Letícia Fachin, Gustavo Marques Fim, Maria Vitória Viana, Júlia Gomes Ribeiro, Luiza Pilon Chiecon, Maria Eduarda Zanette Macedo, Isabela Machado Reis