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Humanized Service; Multiprofessional Team; Interdisciplinarity; Health.

How to Cite

Silva, W. M. M., Puglia, C. C., Ribeiro, J. F., Lima, M. C. de, Oliveira, E. V. de S., Silva, D. I. B. e, Gomes, T. S., Mota, M. A. da C. A., Bezerra, A. K. C. F., Teixeira , C. V. N., Lucena, V. C. A. de, Fernandes , T. S., Ferreira , J. J. de B., Figueiredo, M. I. D., & Rocha , C. A. G. (2023). THE MULTIPROFESSIONAL TEAM AND THE DEBATE ABOUT HUMANIZED CARE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6154–6164.


The provision of health services permeates the interaction between professionals from different areas, highlighting the importance of the multidisciplinary team. Humanized care emerges as a crucial element in this context, aiming to provide a patient-centered approach, respecting their individuality and promoting comprehensive care. This study seeks to analyze the relationship between the performance of the multidisciplinary team and the implementation of humanized care, exploring the available literature to understand the practices, challenges and benefits associated with this approach in the healthcare setting. The methodology adopted consists of an integrative literature review, allowing a comprehensive analysis of relevant studies on the intersection between the multidisciplinary team and humanized care. The search and selection of articles were carried out systematically in scientific databases. The results reveal that the integrated action of the multidisciplinary team is essential to promote humanization in health care. The exchange of knowledge and collaboration between different professionals contribute to a more holistic and effective approach, meeting the physical, emotional and social needs of patients. Discussions address challenges faced by the multidisciplinary team, such as interdisciplinary communication and overcoming hierarchical barriers. Furthermore, the benefits of humanized care stand out, including greater patient satisfaction, improved adherence to treatment and strengthening of the therapeutic bond. This study highlights the importance of the multidisciplinary team in the context of humanized care, highlighting the need for policies and practices that encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. Promoting an organizational culture that values ​​humanization in care contributes to the quality and effectiveness of health services.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Wemerson Matheus Matos Silva, Carla Costa Puglia, Jaqueline Fernandes Ribeiro, Maria Crislany de Lima, Engelberta Vieira de Sousa Oliveira, Debhora Isis Barbosa e Silva, Thaisa Santos Gomes, Maria Arcanja da Cruz Araujo Mota, Ana Karla Costa Ferro Bezerra, Cinthia Ventura Nunes Teixeira , Vitória Cibele Azevedo de Lucena, Thais Santos Fernandes , Jair José de Barros Ferreira , Mikaela Ingrid Diniz Figueiredo, Claudia Aparecida Godoy Rocha