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Urinary tract infection. Children. Pediatrics.

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Dorigo , I. S., Assad, S. da S., Silva, A. B., Lopes, R. N., Cavalini, E. da C., Jacob, J. M., Manzano, A. F., Guimarães, E. G., Henriques , B. B., Bastos, P. T., Sá, H. H. de, & Vittorazzi, D. R. (2023). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF CHILDREN WITH URINARY TRACT INFECTION IN ESPÍRITO SANTO BETWEEN 2018 AND 2023. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6113–6122. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p6113-6122


INTRODUCTION: urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs due to the invasion and proliferation of microorganisms in the urinary system, which can compromise any segment of it, such as kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. UTI is a very common condition in pediatric patients and infants, considered one of the most common bacterial infections in pediatrics, which mostly affects girls. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the number of children with urinary tract infections and their respective epidemiological profile, in the last five years, focusing on the state of Espírito Santo. METHOD: Cross-sectional research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, with data from January 2018 to August 2023. Data collection was carried out through the SUS Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS), hosted at DATASUS. The research participants were children from Espírito Santo with urinary tract infections, aged 0 to 9 years. RESULTS: Regarding the number of hospitalizations by race/color, brown ethnicities proved to be relevant with 65% of occurrences, followed by white ethnicities with 17.15%, in third place uninformed ethnicities with 16.25%, as well as to a lesser extent scale, black ethnicity with 64 cases 1.44%. Regarding the number of hospitalizations by sex, there was a greater predominance in females with 61.61% compared to males with 38.38% compared to the total. CONCLUSION: From data collection, it is concluded that UTI is a very common disease in children and breastfeeding women in Espírito Santo, with the majority of cases being female patients (61.61%), while ranges 0 to 4 years obtained the vast majority of cases (68.93%), with 98% of hospitalizations being urgent. Therefore, it is necessary to implement state prevention measures and early diagnosis of this disease, for better care for parents with their children, depending on their age, since in younger children there is a more non-specific clinical condition than in older children.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ingryd Sardi Dorigo , Sarah da Silva Assad, Alexandrine Bremide Silva, Ryan Nogueira Lopes, Eduarda da Cunha Cavalini, Jenniffer Mileny Jacob, Amanda Fontoura Manzano, Esther Gonçalves Guimarães, Bianca Balbino Henriques , Paula Tessarolo Bastos, Heloísa Helena de Sá, Daniella Ramiro Vittorazzi