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Strategies, Intervene, Childhood Obesity.

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Costa , M. G. da, Alcântara , J. P. de, Gurgel , H. F., Silva , F. C. M., Schütz , J. A., Junior , E. E. da S., Junior , E. F. de S., Trindade , D. M. dos S., Lago , H. L., Filho , F. R. C., Santana , I. G. C., & Paulo , A. C. (2023). CHALLENGES OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY: EDUCATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 5103–5114.


Childhood obesity emerges as a global challenge that transcends socioeconomic and geographical boundaries, posing serious threats to the health of future generations. The alarming prevalence of this phenomenon reveals the urgency of a comprehensive and sustainable approach to reverse this concerning trend. This article proposes a critical analysis of the inherent challenges of childhood obesity and examines educational strategies as an effective means to promote healthy lifestyles from early childhood. The first step involved a comprehensive review of the existing scientific literature on childhood obesity, educational strategies, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. This review encompassed empirical studies, systematic reviews, and relevant meta-analyses, providing a solid foundation for understanding the factors contributing to childhood obesity and successful educational interventions. To capture relevant data, data collection instruments were developed, including structured questionnaires, assessment scales, and observation protocols. The sample consisted of school-aged children between 8 and 12 years old, educators, parents/guardians, and healthcare professionals from the municipality of Coelho Neto – MA, totaling 110 interviewees. The results obtained indicate a significant improvement in children's knowledge of healthy habits after the implementation of educational strategies. There was a substantial increase in understanding the benefits of a balanced diet and the importance of regular physical activity. The finding that the family environment plays a crucial role in dietary habits reinforces the importance of involving not only children but also their families in educational strategies.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Matheus Gomes da Costa , João Pedro de Alcântara , Hortência Ferreira Gurgel , Fernanda Cathusca Morelli Silva , Jenerton Arlan Schütz , Edinaldo Enoque da Silva Junior , Edson Ferreira de Siqueira Junior , Doraci Maria dos Santos Trindade , Heloiza Lopes Lago , Francisco Ronaldo Caliman Filho , Ianca Gontijo Cavalcante Santana , Alana Cândido Paulo