What do systematic reviews say about the impact of robotic surgery on neurosurgery?
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Robotic Surgical Procedures, Neurosurgery, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures.

How to Cite

Merotto, F. F., Teixeira, I. L. L., Correia, T. R. R., Guerra , C. F., Alexandre, K. C., Fernandes, H. M. seba S., Gonçalves , D. A. de O., Sartorio, M. M. M., Karoline Petricio Martins, Feitosa, R. B., Maurício, M. S. de M., Lessa, A. E. C., Santos , J. L. M. dos, Camello , C. C., & Silva, J. P. M. da. (2024). What do systematic reviews say about the impact of robotic surgery on neurosurgery?. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 924–935/1. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n1p924-935/1


Introduction: Neurosurgery, with its intricate complexities and demands for extreme precision, has been shaped and transformed over the years by the constant evolution of medical technology.

Methodology: The methodology adopted for this work involved a systematic literature review focused on specific MESH descriptors, conducted in the PUBMED database. The period considered for article searches spanned from 2017 to 2023, aiming to capture the latest contributions to the topic. The selected MESH descriptors to outline the research were "Robotic Surgical Procedures," "Neurosurgery," and "Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures."

Results: Systematic reviews present a comprehensive overview of recent advances in robotic surgery and its applications in various areas. The promising landscape outlined by these analyses not only validates the progress made but also underscores the ongoing need for research and development to further enhance surgical practices.

Conclusion: The learning curve, the need for specialized training, and economic considerations are crucial aspects shaping the practical implementation of robotic surgery in the neurosurgical scenario.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Filipe Faedo Merotto, Igor Luis Lins Teixeira, Tarciso Rusivel Rodrigues Correia, Carine Fontes Guerra , Kallinka Carneiro Alexandre, Hawand Mousinho seba Salomão Fernandes, Diana Alves de Oliveira Gonçalves , Mallu Mignoni Mazolli Sartorio, Karoline Petricio Martins, Randyston Brenno Feitosa, Matheus Souza de Magalhães Maurício, Adryan Emanuel Cavalcante Lessa, Josefa Lívia Matias dos Santos , Caio Calheiros Camello , João Pedro Mello da Silva