
Retraction, BJIHS.

How to Cite

Coelho Paraguassu, E. . (2020). BJIHS REPORT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2(7), 38–39.


I inform that BJIHS editorial processing errors were detected regarding the publication of the article “Lemos, Pedro, Naomar Almeida-Filho, and Josélia Firmo. "COVID-19, health system disaster in the present and economic tragedy in the very near future." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 2.4 (2020): 39-50. ”

The BJIHS editorial committee was notified by the researcher Prof. Dr. NAOMAR ALMEIDA-FILHO that he was not aware of his co-authorship in the aforementioned work, adding the information that the author of the article is not part of the faculty of the institution to which he claimed to belong and that the department referred to does not even exist. After investigating and confirming these facts, the article was immediately removed from this journal.

We publicly acknowledge this serious editorial flaw and apologize to the researchers. Dr. NAOMAR ALMEIDA-FILHO and Profa. Dr. JOSELIA FIRMO, who for this editorial inattention ended up having their names incorporated in this publication in a totally undue manner, at the time when we declared our rejection of the unethical conduct of the author of the article in question. We also apologize to the University of São Paulo, USP, for not having verified in due time whether the author of the article was actually part of that institution.

We also inform the scientific community that the author in question is banning this journal indefinitely and that appropriate legal measures will be taken.


Dr. Éber Coelho Paraguassu

Chief Editor of BJIHS


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