The effects of sleep-disordered breathing in the Brazilian population: a multidisciplinary exploration of the disease obstructive sleep apnea
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Apneia, sono, polissonografia.

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Sampaio de Araújo, B. M., Zanuto, T., Martins, M. B., Rêgo, S. S. S. do, Rodrigues, Y. de A., Abdel Aziz, L. A., Jesus, L. S. de, Jesus, L. S. de, Basso, O. D. S., Azevedo, L. dutra F. de, & Zanoni, R. D. (2023). The effects of sleep-disordered breathing in the Brazilian population: a multidisciplinary exploration of the disease obstructive sleep apnea. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4904–4914.


Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAS) is a disease that mainly affects elderly and obese people, but can be present in children and adolescents, often due to hypertrophy of adenoids and palatine tonsils. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that in patients with OSAHS it is observed that the pharyngeal dilator muscles are more activated in the watch compared to control, however, with sleep, there is a reduction in neuromuscular reflexes and consequently impairment of the ability of these muscles to respond to sleep. pressure, which leaves these muscles vulnerable to collapse during sleep and results in episodes of obstructive sleep apnea. Furthermore, a narrower upper airway, genetic factors, tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy, mandibular retrognathia and variations in craniofacial structure are associated with a greater risk of developing OSAS. Regarding diagnosis, the all-night polysomnographic study is the main diagnostic method, which also allows the doctor to classify the severity of the problem. Regarding the treatment, it is highlighted that it is a comprehensive treatment that ranges from surgeries to the use of devices such as CPAP and intraoral devices.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Bianca Mayara Sampaio de Araújo, Thiago Zanuto, Marystela Batista Martins, Sophia Shinohara Soares do Rêgo, Yanne de Araujo Rodrigues, Ludmyla Alcântara Abdel Aziz, Laura Souza de Jesus, Lorena Souza de Jesus, Orisson De Steffani Basso, Leidiane dutra Ferreira de Azevedo, Rodrigo Daniel Zanoni