Objective: To systematically and comprehensively review the main complications associated with submental liposuction, identifying patterns, predisposing factors and management strategies to improve the safety and efficacy of the procedure. Materials and Methods: A scoping review was performed using indexed scientific databases, including articles published in recent years on complications of submental liposuction. Observational studies, systematic reviews and case reports that addressed clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects of complications related to the procedure were included. Results: Tissue damage associated with submental liposuction represents one of the main challenges in postoperative recovery and in obtaining satisfactory aesthetic results. The procedure can trigger hematomas, seromas, extensive contusions and nerve injuries, resulting in paresthesia and functional impairment. Irregular healing and disorganized collagen deposition can lead to fibrosis, scar contractures and irregularities in the facial contour, impacting patient satisfaction. Furthermore, the psychological impact resulting from aesthetic and functional complications can compromise the quality of life of individuals undergoing the procedure. Conclusion: Submental liposuction, despite being a minimally invasive procedure, presents considerable risks that require a careful approach and adequate planning. The adoption of refined surgical techniques, effective postoperative care protocols, and adjuvant therapies, such as laser therapy and lymphatic drainage, are essential to minimize complications and optimize results. Detailed knowledge of associated complications allows the implementation of more effective preventive and corrective strategies, promoting greater predictability and safety in clinical practice.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marvin Gonçalves Duarte, Gracielle Radja Rodrigues de Lima, Brunno Stephany Lima de Paula, Ana Carolina Bastos do Rêgo, Letícia Almeida Guedes de Lima, Pedro Guimarães Sampaio Trajano dos Santos, Eudoro de Queiroz Marques Filho, Ailton Coelho de Ataíde Filho, Manoel Arthur Dias de Oliveira Antonino, Luciano Barreto Silva