Best treatment for ameloblastoma with lower risk of tumor recurrence



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Araújo de Souza , A., Borba Albuquerque , G., Lyra Neto , J. B., Dias, V. P. C. S., de Lyra, Z. M. S. de A. L. F., & Silva, L. B. (2023). Best treatment for ameloblastoma with lower risk of tumor recurrence: Recurrencia y tratamiento del ameloblastoma. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 1190–1197.


Ameloblastoma accounts for 10% of living tumors of odontogenic origin. Ameloblastoma has an epithelial origin, more commonly occurring in the jaw bone. As much as it is a benign tumor, ameloblastoma tends to be invasive and aggressive, making total tumor resection with a safe margin, with the aim of to prevent future recurrences. This tumor has its own clinical and radiographic aspects, being able to be found in its primordial stage of expansion . The ameloblastoma lesion maintains several alterations in its clinical signs, which may manifest periods of tumor aggressiveness. Its cause is uncertain, so it appears in a variety of ways.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Arthur Araújo de Souza , Geovana Borba Albuquerque , João Bezerra Lyra Neto , Caciana Farias da Silva Gheno , Vytoria Patrícia Calheiros Silva Dias, Zélia Maria Sarmento de Andrade Lima Fischer de Lyra, Luciano Barreto Silva