ABSTRACTThe integration of digital technologies in restorative dentistry has significantly transformed clinical workflows, enhancing precision, efficiency, and patient outcomes. This article explores the pivotal role of various digital procedures in modern dental practices. Digital imaging techniques have revolutionized diagnostic capabilities, providing high-resolution, detailed visualizations essential for accurate treatment planning. Digital cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has further refined diagnostic accuracy, enabling three-dimensional assessment of dental structures, which is crucial for implantology and complex restorative cases. Digital caries detection methods offer enhanced early detection of carious lesions, improving preventative care and treatment outcomes. The advent of digital impression systems has streamlined the process of capturing accurate dental impressions, reducing patient discomfort and enhancing the precision of prosthetic restorations. Additionally, digital design-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems have facilitated the rapid production of high-quality dental restorations, allowing for same-day procedures and greater customization. Collectively, these digital advancements are reshaping the landscape of restorative dentistry, offering unprecedented opportunities for improving the accuracy, efficiency, and overall success of dental restorations. This review aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the current state of digital restorative procedures in dentistry, with a focus on the latest technological advancements and their clinical implications.
Keywords: Dentistry, digital technology, CAD/CAM, CBCT.
Fasbinder DJ. Computerized technology for restorative dentistry. Am J Dent. 2013;26(3):115-120.
Prithviraj DR, Bhalla HK, Vashisht R, Sounderraj K, Prithvi S. Revolutionizing restorative dentistry: an overview. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2014;14(4):333-343. doi:10.1007/s13191-014-0351-5
Watanabe H, Fellows C, An H. Digital Technologies for Restorative Dentistry. Dent Clin North Am. 2022;66(4):567-590. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2022.05.006
Spagnuolo G, Sorrentino R. The Role of Digital Devices in Dentistry: Clinical Trends and Scientific Evidences. J Clin Med. 2020;9(6):1692. Published 2020 Jun 2. doi:10.3390/jcm9061692
Alauddin MS, Baharuddin AS, Mohd Ghazali MI. The Modern and Digital Transformation of Oral Health Care: A Mini Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(2):118. Published 2021 Jan 25. doi:10.3390/healthcare9020118
Wakoh M, Kuroyanagi K. Digital imaging modalities for dental practice. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2001;42(1):1-14. doi:10.2209/tdcpublication.42.1
Mol A, Yoon DC. Guide to Digital Radiographic Imaging. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2015;43(9):503-511.
van der Stelt PF. Better imaging: the advantages of digital radiography. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008;139 Suppl:7S-13S. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2008.0357
Heo MS, Choi DH, Benavides E, et al. Effect of bit depth and kVp of digital radiography for detection of subtle differences. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009;108(2):278-283. doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2008.12.053
van der Stelt PF. Filmless imaging: the uses of digital radiography in dental practice. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136(10):1379-1387. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2005.0051
van der Stelt PF. Principles of digital imaging. Dent Clin North Am. 2000;44(2):237-v.
Sanderink GC, Miles DA. Intraoral detectors. CCD, CMOS, TFT, and other devices. Dent Clin North Am. 2000;44(2):249-v.
Paurazas SB, Geist JR, Pink FE, Hoen MM, Steiman HR. Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of digital imaging by using CCD and CMOS-APS sensors with E-speed film in the detection of periapical bony lesions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2000;89(3):356-362. doi:10.1016/s1079-2104(00)70102-8
Bottenberg P, Jacquet W, Stachniss V, Wellnitz J, Schulte AG. Detection of cavitated or non-cavitated approximal enamel caries lesions using CMOS and CCD digital X-ray sensors and conventional D and F-speed films at different exposure conditions. Am J Dent. 2011;24(2):74-78.
Jacobs R, Salmon B, Codari M, Hassan B, Bornstein MM. Cone beam computed tomography in implant dentistry: recommendations for clinical use. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):88. Published 2018 May 15. doi:10.1186/s12903-018-0523-5
Pauwels R, Araki K, Siewerdsen JH, Thongvigitmanee SS. Technical aspects of dental CBCT: state of the art. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2015;44(1):20140224. doi:10.1259/dmfr.20140224
Nasseh I, Al-Rawi W. Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Dent Clin North Am. 2018;62(3):361-391. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2018.03.002
Serban C, Lungeanu D, Bota SD, et al. Emerging Technologies for Dentin Caries Detection-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2022;11(3):674. Published 2022 Jan 28. doi:10.3390/jcm11030674
Mohammad-Rahimi H, Motamedian SR, Rohban MH, et al. Deep learning for caries detection: A systematic review. J Dent. 2022;122:104115. doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2022.104115
Sadasiva K, Kumar KS, Rayar S, Shamini S, Unnikrishnan M, Kandaswamy D. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Visual, Tactile Method, Caries Detector Dye, and Laser Fluorescence in Removal of Dental Caries and Confirmation by Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction: An In Vivo Study. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2019;11(Suppl 2):S146-S150. doi:10.4103/JPBS.JPBS_279_18
Rosa MI, Schambeck VS, Dondossola ER, et al. Laser fluorescence of caries detection in permanent teeth in vitro: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Evid Based Med. 2016;9(4):213-224. doi:10.1111/jebm.12227
Angmar-Månsson B, ten Bosch JJ. Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF): a method for assessment of incipient caries lesions. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2001;30(6):298-307. doi:10.1038/sj/dmfr/4600644
Park EY, Jeong S, Kang S, Cho J, Cho JY, Kim EK. Tooth caries classification with quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) images using convolutional neural network for permanent teeth in vivo. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23(1):981. doi: 10.1186/s12903-023-03669-6.
Marmaneu-Menero A, Iranzo-Cortés JE, Almerich-Torres T, Ortolá-Síscar JC, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM. Diagnostic Validity of Digital Imaging Fiber-Optic Transillumination (DIFOTI) and Near-Infrared Light Transillumination (NILT) for Caries in Dentine. J Clin Med. 2020;9(2):420. doi: 10.3390/jcm9020420.
Vaarkamp J, ten Bosch JJ, Verdonschot EH, Bronkhoorst EM. The real performance of bitewing radiography and fiber-optic transillumination in approximal caries diagnosis. J Dent Res. 2000;79(10):1747-51. doi: 10.1177/00220345000790100301.
Blumer S, Kharouba J, Kats L, Schachter D, Azem H. Visual Examination, Fluorescence-Aided Caries Excavation (FACE) Technology, Bitewing X-Ray Radiography in the Detection of Occlusal Caries in First Permanent Molars in Children. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2021;45(3):152-157. doi: 10.17796/1053-4625-45.3.2.
Lai G, Kaisarly D, Xu X, Kunzelmann KH. MicroCT-based comparison between fluorescence-aided caries excavation and conventional excavation. Am J Dent. 2014;27(1):12-6.
Ricketts DN, Kidd EA, Wilson RF. Electronic diagnosis of occlusal caries in vitro: adaptation of the technique for epidemiological purposes. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1997;25(3):238-241. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.1997.tb00933.x
Kucukyilmaz E, Sener Y, Botsali MS. In Vivo and In Vitro performance of Conventional Methods, DIAGNOdent, and an Electronic Caries Monitor for Occlusal Caries Detection in Primary Teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2015;37(4):E14-22.
Lin WS, Alfaraj A, Lippert F, Yang CC. Performance of the caries diagnosis feature of intraoral scanners and near-infrared imaging technology-A narrative review. J Prosthodont. 2023;32(S2):114-124. doi:10.1111/jopr.13770
Aragón ML, Pontes LF, Bichara LM, Flores-Mir C, Normando D. Validity and reliability of intraoral scanners compared to conventional gypsum models measurements: a systematic review. Eur J Orthod. 2016;38(4):429-434. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjw033
Takeuchi Y, Koizumi H, Furuchi M, Sato Y, Ohkubo C, Matsumura H. Use of digital impression systems with intraoral scanners for fabricating restorations and fixed dental prostheses. J Oral Sci. 2018;60(1):1-7. doi:10.2334/josnusd.17-0444
Aswani K, Wankhade S, Khalikar A, Deogade S. Accuracy of an intraoral digital impression: A review. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2020;20(1):27-37. doi:10.4103/jips.jips_327_19
Revilla-León M, Kois DE, Zeitler JM, Att W, Kois JC. An overview of the digital occlusion technologies: Intraoral scanners, jaw tracking systems, and computerized occlusal analysis devices. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2023;35(5):735-744. doi:10.1111/jerd.13044
Ahlholm P, Sipilä K, Vallittu P, Jakonen M, Kotiranta U. Digital Versus Conventional Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics: A Review. J Prosthodont. 2018;27(1):35-41. doi:10.1111/jopr.12527
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Fasbinder DJ. Computerized technology for restorative dentistry. Am J Dent. 2013;26(3):115-120.
Prithviraj DR, Bhalla HK, Vashisht R, Sounderraj K, Prithvi S. Revolutionizing restorative dentistry: an overview. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2014;14(4):333-343. doi:10.1007/s13191-014-0351-5
Watanabe H, Fellows C, An H. Digital Technologies for Restorative Dentistry. Dent Clin North Am. 2022;66(4):567-590. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2022.05.006
Spagnuolo G, Sorrentino R. The Role of Digital Devices in Dentistry: Clinical Trends and Scientific Evidences. J Clin Med. 2020;9(6):1692. Published 2020 Jun 2. doi:10.3390/jcm9061692
Alauddin MS, Baharuddin AS, Mohd Ghazali MI. The Modern and Digital Transformation of Oral Health Care: A Mini Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(2):118. Published 2021 Jan 25. doi:10.3390/healthcare9020118
Wakoh M, Kuroyanagi K. Digital imaging modalities for dental practice. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2001;42(1):1-14. doi:10.2209/tdcpublication.42.1
Mol A, Yoon DC. Guide to Digital Radiographic Imaging. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2015;43(9):503-511.
van der Stelt PF. Better imaging: the advantages of digital radiography. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008;139 Suppl:7S-13S. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2008.0357
Heo MS, Choi DH, Benavides E, et al. Effect of bit depth and kVp of digital radiography for detection of subtle differences. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009;108(2):278-283. doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2008.12.053
van der Stelt PF. Filmless imaging: the uses of digital radiography in dental practice. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136(10):1379-1387. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2005.0051
van der Stelt PF. Principles of digital imaging. Dent Clin North Am. 2000;44(2):237-v.
Sanderink GC, Miles DA. Intraoral detectors. CCD, CMOS, TFT, and other devices. Dent Clin North Am. 2000;44(2):249-v.
Paurazas SB, Geist JR, Pink FE, Hoen MM, Steiman HR. Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of digital imaging by using CCD and CMOS-APS sensors with E-speed film in the detection of periapical bony lesions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2000;89(3):356-362. doi:10.1016/s1079-2104(00)70102-8
Bottenberg P, Jacquet W, Stachniss V, Wellnitz J, Schulte AG. Detection of cavitated or non-cavitated approximal enamel caries lesions using CMOS and CCD digital X-ray sensors and conventional D and F-speed films at different exposure conditions. Am J Dent. 2011;24(2):74-78.
Jacobs R, Salmon B, Codari M, Hassan B, Bornstein MM. Cone beam computed tomography in implant dentistry: recommendations for clinical use. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):88. Published 2018 May 15. doi:10.1186/s12903-018-0523-5
Pauwels R, Araki K, Siewerdsen JH, Thongvigitmanee SS. Technical aspects of dental CBCT: state of the art. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2015;44(1):20140224. doi:10.1259/dmfr.20140224
Nasseh I, Al-Rawi W. Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Dent Clin North Am. 2018;62(3):361-391. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2018.03.002
Serban C, Lungeanu D, Bota SD, et al. Emerging Technologies for Dentin Caries Detection-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2022;11(3):674. Published 2022 Jan 28. doi:10.3390/jcm11030674
Mohammad-Rahimi H, Motamedian SR, Rohban MH, et al. Deep learning for caries detection: A systematic review. J Dent. 2022;122:104115. doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2022.104115
Sadasiva K, Kumar KS, Rayar S, Shamini S, Unnikrishnan M, Kandaswamy D. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Visual, Tactile Method, Caries Detector Dye, and Laser Fluorescence in Removal of Dental Caries and Confirmation by Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction: An In Vivo Study. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2019;11(Suppl 2):S146-S150. doi:10.4103/JPBS.JPBS_279_18
Rosa MI, Schambeck VS, Dondossola ER, et al. Laser fluorescence of caries detection in permanent teeth in vitro: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Evid Based Med. 2016;9(4):213-224. doi:10.1111/jebm.12227
Angmar-Månsson B, ten Bosch JJ. Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF): a method for assessment of incipient caries lesions. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2001;30(6):298-307. doi:10.1038/sj/dmfr/4600644
Park EY, Jeong S, Kang S, Cho J, Cho JY, Kim EK. Tooth caries classification with quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) images using convolutional neural network for permanent teeth in vivo. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23(1):981. doi: 10.1186/s12903-023-03669-6.
Marmaneu-Menero A, Iranzo-Cortés JE, Almerich-Torres T, Ortolá-Síscar JC, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM. Diagnostic Validity of Digital Imaging Fiber-Optic Transillumination (DIFOTI) and Near-Infrared Light Transillumination (NILT) for Caries in Dentine. J Clin Med. 2020;9(2):420. doi: 10.3390/jcm9020420.
Vaarkamp J, ten Bosch JJ, Verdonschot EH, Bronkhoorst EM. The real performance of bitewing radiography and fiber-optic transillumination in approximal caries diagnosis. J Dent Res. 2000;79(10):1747-51. doi: 10.1177/00220345000790100301.
Blumer S, Kharouba J, Kats L, Schachter D, Azem H. Visual Examination, Fluorescence-Aided Caries Excavation (FACE) Technology, Bitewing X-Ray Radiography in the Detection of Occlusal Caries in First Permanent Molars in Children. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2021;45(3):152-157. doi: 10.17796/1053-4625-45.3.2.
Lai G, Kaisarly D, Xu X, Kunzelmann KH. MicroCT-based comparison between fluorescence-aided caries excavation and conventional excavation. Am J Dent. 2014;27(1):12-6.
Ricketts DN, Kidd EA, Wilson RF. Electronic diagnosis of occlusal caries in vitro: adaptation of the technique for epidemiological purposes. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1997;25(3):238-241. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.1997.tb00933.x
Kucukyilmaz E, Sener Y, Botsali MS. In Vivo and In Vitro performance of Conventional Methods, DIAGNOdent, and an Electronic Caries Monitor for Occlusal Caries Detection in Primary Teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2015;37(4):E14-22.
Lin WS, Alfaraj A, Lippert F, Yang CC. Performance of the caries diagnosis feature of intraoral scanners and near-infrared imaging technology-A narrative review. J Prosthodont. 2023;32(S2):114-124. doi:10.1111/jopr.13770
Aragón ML, Pontes LF, Bichara LM, Flores-Mir C, Normando D. Validity and reliability of intraoral scanners compared to conventional gypsum models measurements: a systematic review. Eur J Orthod. 2016;38(4):429-434. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjw033
Takeuchi Y, Koizumi H, Furuchi M, Sato Y, Ohkubo C, Matsumura H. Use of digital impression systems with intraoral scanners for fabricating restorations and fixed dental prostheses. J Oral Sci. 2018;60(1):1-7. doi:10.2334/josnusd.17-0444
Aswani K, Wankhade S, Khalikar A, Deogade S. Accuracy of an intraoral digital impression: A review. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2020;20(1):27-37. doi:10.4103/jips.jips_327_19
Revilla-León M, Kois DE, Zeitler JM, Att W, Kois JC. An overview of the digital occlusion technologies: Intraoral scanners, jaw tracking systems, and computerized occlusal analysis devices. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2023;35(5):735-744. doi:10.1111/jerd.13044
Ahlholm P, Sipilä K, Vallittu P, Jakonen M, Kotiranta U. Digital Versus Conventional Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics: A Review. J Prosthodont. 2018;27(1):35-41. doi:10.1111/jopr.12527
Abduo J, Elseyoufi M. Accuracy of Intraoral Scanners: A Systematic Review of Influencing Factors. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2018;26(3):101-121. Published 2018 Aug 30. doi:10.1922/EJPRD_01752Abduo21
Chiu A, Chen YW, Hayashi J, Sadr A. Accuracy of CAD/CAM Digital Impressions with Different Intraoral Scanner Parameters. Sensors (Basel). 2020;20(4):1157. Published 2020 Feb 20. doi:10.3390/s20041157
Galhano GÁ, Pellizzer EP, Mazaro JV. Optical impression systems for CAD-CAM restorations. J Craniofac Surg. 2012;23(6):e575-e579. doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e31826b8043
Christopoulou I, Kaklamanos EG, Makrygiannakis MA, Bitsanis I, Perlea P, Tsolakis AI. Intraoral Scanners in Orthodontics: A Critical Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(3):1407. Published 2022 Jan 27. doi:10.3390/ijerph19031407
Amornvit P, Rokaya D, Sanohkan S. Comparison of Accuracy of Current Ten Intraoral Scanners. Biomed Res Int. 2021;2021:2673040. Published 2021 Sep 13. doi:10.1155/2021/2673040
Albanchez-González MI, Brinkmann JC, Peláez-Rico J, López-Suárez C, Rodríguez-Alonso V, Suárez-García MJ. Accuracy of Digital Dental Implants Impression Taking with Intraoral Scanners Compared with Conventional Impression Techniques: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(4):2026. Published 2022 Feb 11. doi:10.3390/ijerph19042026
Burzynski JA, Firestone AR, Beck FM, Fields HW Jr, Deguchi T. Comparison of digital intraoral scanners and alginate impressions: Time and patient satisfaction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2018;153(4):534-541. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2017.08.017
Suese K. Progress in digital dentistry: The practical use of intraoral scanners. Dent Mater J. 2020;39(1):52-56. doi:10.4012/dmj.2019-224
Akl MA, Mansour DE, Zheng F. The Role of Intraoral Scanners in the Shade Matching Process: A Systematic Review. J Prosthodont. 2023;32(3):196-203. doi:10.1111/jopr.13576
Joda T, Zarone F, Ferrari M. The complete digital workflow in fixed prosthodontics: a systematic review. BMC Oral Health. 2017;17(1):124. Published 2017 Sep 19. doi:10.1186/s12903-017-0415-0
Michelinakis G, Apostolakis D, Kamposiora P, Papavasiliou G, Özcan M. The direct digital workflow in fixed implant prosthodontics: a narrative review. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):37. Published 2021 Jan 21. doi:10.1186/s12903-021-01398-2
Stanley M, Paz AG, Miguel I, Coachman C. Fully digital workflow, integrating dental scan, smile design and CAD-CAM: case report. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):134. Published 2018 Aug 7. doi:10.1186/s12903-018-0597-0
Elnagar MH, Aronovich S, Kusnoto B. Digital Workflow for Combined Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2020;32(1):1-14. doi:10.1016/j.coms.2019.08.004
Cunha TMAD, Barbosa IDS, Palma KK. Orthodontic digital workflow: devices and clinical applications. Dental Press J Orthod. 2021;26(6):e21spe6. Published 2021 Dec 15. doi:10.1590/2177-6709.26.6.e21spe6
Shely A, Nissan J, Rosner O, et al. The Impact of Open versus Closed Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems on the Marginal Gap of Zirconia-Reinforced Lithium Silicate Single Crowns Evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Comparative In Vitro Study. J Funct Biomater. 2024;15(5):130. Published 2024 May 15. doi:10.3390/jfb15050130
Joda T, Müller P, Zimmerling F, Schimmel M. Die CAD/CAM-gefertigte Totalprothese mit dem «Digital Denture Professional System» (CAD/CAM produced complete dentures with the «Digital Denture Professional System».). Swiss Dent J. 2016;126(10):899-919. doi:10.61872/sdj-2016-10-03
Lu L, Liu S, Shi S, Yang J. An open CAM system for dentistry on the basis of China-made 5-axis simultaneous contouring CNC machine tool and industrial CAM software. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2011;31(5):696. doi:10.1007/s11596-011-0585-y
Su FY, Tsai JC, Morton D, Lin WS. Use of an open-source CAD software program and additive manufacturing technology to design and fabricate a definitive cast for retrofitting a crown to an existing removable partial denture. J Prosthet Dent. 2019;122(4):351-354. doi:10.1016/j.prosdent.2019.02.017
Fay CD. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) for Bioprinting. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2140:27-41. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-0520-2_3
Davidowitz G, Kotick PG. The use of CAD/CAM in dentistry. Dent Clin North Am. 2011;55(3):559-ix. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2011.02.011
Ting-Shu S, Jian S. Intraoral Digital Impression Technique: A Review. J Prosthodont. 2015;24(4):313-321. doi:10.1111/jopr.12218
Nyirjesy SC, Heller M, von Windheim N, et al. The role of computer aided design/computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and 3- dimensional printing in head and neck oncologic surgery: A review and future directions. Oral Oncol. 2022;132:105976. doi:10.1016/j.oraloncology.2022.105976
Couldwell WT, MacDonald JD, Thomas CL, et al. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing skull base drill. Neurosurg Focus. 2017;42(5):E6. doi:10.3171/2017.2.FOCUS16561
Alghazzawi TF. Advancements in CAD/CAM technology: Options for practical implementation. J Prosthodont Res. 2016;60(2):72-84. doi:10.1016/j.jpor.2016.01.003
Islam MS, Al-Fakhri A, Rahman MM. Computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology in the undergraduate dental programs in the MENA region. Eur J Dent Educ. 2024;28(1):142-147. doi:10.1111/eje.12930
Tabatabaian F, Beyabanaki E, Alirezaei P, Epakchi S. Visual and digital tooth shade selection methods, related effective factors and conditions, and their accuracy and precision: A literature review. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2021;33(8):1084-1104. doi:10.1111/jerd.12816
Kihara H, Hatakeyama W, Komine F, et al. Accuracy and practicality of intraoral scanner in dentistry: A literature review. J Prosthodont Res. 2020;64(2):109-113. doi:10.1016/j.jpor.2019.07.010
Wee AG, Lindsey DT, Kuo S, Johnston WM. Color accuracy of commercial digital cameras for use in dentistry. Dent Mater. 2006;22(6):553-559. doi:10.1016/
Shen XT, Fan Y, Liu L, Zhang YZ. Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2011;40(4):432-435. doi:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9292.2011.04.015
Khashayar G, Dozic A, Kleverlaan CJ, Feilzer AJ. Data comparison between two dental spectrophotometers. Oper Dent. 2012;37(1):12-20. doi:10.2341/11-161-C
Bhat V, Prasad DK, Sood S, Bhat A. Role of colors in prosthodontics: application of color science in restorative dentistry. Indian J Dent Res. 2011;22(6):804-809. doi:10.4103/0970-9290.94675
Tung FF, Goldstein GR, Jang S, Hittelman E. The repeatability of an intraoral dental colorimeter. J Prosthet Dent. 2002;88(6):585-590. doi:10.1067/mpr.2002.129803
Floriani F, Brandfon BA, Sawczuk NJ, Lopes GC, Rocha MG, Oliveira D. Color difference between the vita classical shade guide and composite veneers using the dual-layer technique. J Clin Exp Dent. 2022;14(8):e615-e620. Published 2022 Aug 1. doi:10.4317/jced.59759
Liu CT, Lai PL, Fu PS, et al. Total solution of a smart shade matching. J Dent Sci. 2023;18(3):1323-1329. doi:10.1016/j.jds.2023.04.003
Kalpana D, Rao SJ, Joseph JK, Kurapati SKR. Digital dental photography. Indian J Dent Res. 2018;29(4):507-512. doi:10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_396_17
Ahmad I. Digital dental photography. Part 7: extra-oral set-ups. Br Dent J. 2009;207(3):103-110. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.667
Thomas PA, Krishnamoorthi D, Mohan J, Raju R, Rajajayam S, Venkatesan S. Digital Smile Design. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2022;14(Suppl 1):S43-S49. doi:10.4103/jpbs.jpbs_164_22
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Omar D, Duarte C. The application of parameters for comprehensive smile esthetics by digital smile design programs: A review of literature. Saudi Dent J. 2018;30(1):7-12. doi:10.1016/j.sdentj.2017.09.001
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Revilla-León M, Kois DE, Zeitler JM, Att W, Kois JC. An overview of the digital occlusion technologies: Intraoral scanners, jaw tracking systems, and computerized occlusal analysis devices. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2023;35(5):735-744. doi:10.1111/jerd.13044
Ahlholm P, Sipilä K, Vallittu P, Jakonen M, Kotiranta U. Digital Versus Conventional Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics: A Review. J Prosthodont. 2018;27(1):35-41. doi:10.1111/jopr.12527
Abduo J, Elseyoufi M. Accuracy of Intraoral Scanners: A Systematic Review of Influencing Factors. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2018;26(3):101-121. Published 2018 Aug 30. doi:10.1922/EJPRD_01752Abduo21
Chiu A, Chen YW, Hayashi J, Sadr A. Accuracy of CAD/CAM Digital Impressions with Different Intraoral Scanner Parameters. Sensors (Basel). 2020;20(4):1157. Published 2020 Feb 20. doi:10.3390/s20041157
Galhano GÁ, Pellizzer EP, Mazaro JV. Optical impression systems for CAD-CAM restorations. J Craniofac Surg. 2012;23(6):e575-e579. doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e31826b8043
Christopoulou I, Kaklamanos EG, Makrygiannakis MA, Bitsanis I, Perlea P, Tsolakis AI. Intraoral Scanners in Orthodontics: A Critical Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(3):1407. Published 2022 Jan 27. doi:10.3390/ijerph19031407
Amornvit P, Rokaya D, Sanohkan S. Comparison of Accuracy of Current Ten Intraoral Scanners. Biomed Res Int. 2021;2021:2673040. Published 2021 Sep 13. doi:10.1155/2021/2673040
Albanchez-González MI, Brinkmann JC, Peláez-Rico J, López-Suárez C, Rodríguez-Alonso V, Suárez-García MJ. Accuracy of Digital Dental Implants Impression Taking with Intraoral Scanners Compared with Conventional Impression Techniques: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(4):2026. Published 2022 Feb 11. doi:10.3390/ijerph19042026
Burzynski JA, Firestone AR, Beck FM, Fields HW Jr, Deguchi T. Comparison of digital intraoral scanners and alginate impressions: Time and patient satisfaction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2018;153(4):534-541. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2017.08.017
Suese K. Progress in digital dentistry: The practical use of intraoral scanners. Dent Mater J. 2020;39(1):52-56. doi:10.4012/dmj.2019-224
Akl MA, Mansour DE, Zheng F. The Role of Intraoral Scanners in the Shade Matching Process: A Systematic Review. J Prosthodont. 2023;32(3):196-203. doi:10.1111/jopr.13576
Joda T, Zarone F, Ferrari M. The complete digital workflow in fixed prosthodontics: a systematic review. BMC Oral Health. 2017;17(1):124. Published 2017 Sep 19. doi:10.1186/s12903-017-0415-0
Michelinakis G, Apostolakis D, Kamposiora P, Papavasiliou G, Özcan M. The direct digital workflow in fixed implant prosthodontics: a narrative review. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):37. Published 2021 Jan 21. doi:10.1186/s12903-021-01398-2
Stanley M, Paz AG, Miguel I, Coachman C. Fully digital workflow, integrating dental scan, smile design and CAD-CAM: case report. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):134. Published 2018 Aug 7. doi:10.1186/s12903-018-0597-0
Elnagar MH, Aronovich S, Kusnoto B. Digital Workflow for Combined Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2020;32(1):1-14. doi:10.1016/j.coms.2019.08.004
Cunha TMAD, Barbosa IDS, Palma KK. Orthodontic digital workflow: devices and clinical applications. Dental Press J Orthod. 2021;26(6):e21spe6. Published 2021 Dec 15. doi:10.1590/2177-6709.26.6.e21spe6
Shely A, Nissan J, Rosner O, et al. The Impact of Open versus Closed Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems on the Marginal Gap of Zirconia-Reinforced Lithium Silicate Single Crowns Evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Comparative In Vitro Study. J Funct Biomater. 2024;15(5):130. Published 2024 May 15. doi:10.3390/jfb15050130
Joda T, Müller P, Zimmerling F, Schimmel M. Die CAD/CAM-gefertigte Totalprothese mit dem «Digital Denture Professional System» (CAD/CAM produced complete dentures with the «Digital Denture Professional System».). Swiss Dent J. 2016;126(10):899-919. doi:10.61872/sdj-2016-10-03
Lu L, Liu S, Shi S, Yang J. An open CAM system for dentistry on the basis of China-made 5-axis simultaneous contouring CNC machine tool and industrial CAM software. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2011;31(5):696. doi:10.1007/s11596-011-0585-y
Su FY, Tsai JC, Morton D, Lin WS. Use of an open-source CAD software program and additive manufacturing technology to design and fabricate a definitive cast for retrofitting a crown to an existing removable partial denture. J Prosthet Dent. 2019;122(4):351-354. doi:10.1016/j.prosdent.2019.02.017
Fay CD. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) for Bioprinting. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2140:27-41. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-0520-2_3
Davidowitz G, Kotick PG. The use of CAD/CAM in dentistry. Dent Clin North Am. 2011;55(3):559-ix. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2011.02.011
Ting-Shu S, Jian S. Intraoral Digital Impression Technique: A Review. J Prosthodont. 2015;24(4):313-321. doi:10.1111/jopr.12218
Nyirjesy SC, Heller M, von Windheim N, et al. The role of computer aided design/computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and 3- dimensional printing in head and neck oncologic surgery: A review and future directions. Oral Oncol. 2022;132:105976. doi:10.1016/j.oraloncology.2022.105976
Couldwell WT, MacDonald JD, Thomas CL, et al. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing skull base drill. Neurosurg Focus. 2017;42(5):E6. doi:10.3171/2017.2.FOCUS16561
Alghazzawi TF. Advancements in CAD/CAM technology: Options for practical implementation. J Prosthodont Res. 2016;60(2):72-84. doi:10.1016/j.jpor.2016.01.003
Islam MS, Al-Fakhri A, Rahman MM. Computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology in the undergraduate dental programs in the MENA region. Eur J Dent Educ. 2024;28(1):142-147. doi:10.1111/eje.12930
Tabatabaian F, Beyabanaki E, Alirezaei P, Epakchi S. Visual and digital tooth shade selection methods, related effective factors and conditions, and their accuracy and precision: A literature review. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2021;33(8):1084-1104. doi:10.1111/jerd.12816
Kihara H, Hatakeyama W, Komine F, et al. Accuracy and practicality of intraoral scanner in dentistry: A literature review. J Prosthodont Res. 2020;64(2):109-113. doi:10.1016/j.jpor.2019.07.010
Wee AG, Lindsey DT, Kuo S, Johnston WM. Color accuracy of commercial digital cameras for use in dentistry. Dent Mater. 2006;22(6):553-559. doi:10.1016/
Shen XT, Fan Y, Liu L, Zhang YZ. Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2011;40(4):432-435. doi:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9292.2011.04.015
Khashayar G, Dozic A, Kleverlaan CJ, Feilzer AJ. Data comparison between two dental spectrophotometers. Oper Dent. 2012;37(1):12-20. doi:10.2341/11-161-C
Bhat V, Prasad DK, Sood S, Bhat A. Role of colors in prosthodontics: application of color science in restorative dentistry. Indian J Dent Res. 2011;22(6):804-809. doi:10.4103/0970-9290.94675
Tung FF, Goldstein GR, Jang S, Hittelman E. The repeatability of an intraoral dental colorimeter. J Prosthet Dent. 2002;88(6):585-590. doi:10.1067/mpr.2002.129803
Floriani F, Brandfon BA, Sawczuk NJ, Lopes GC, Rocha MG, Oliveira D. Color difference between the vita classical shade guide and composite veneers using the dual-layer technique. J Clin Exp Dent. 2022;14(8):e615-e620. Published 2022 Aug 1. doi:10.4317/jced.59759
Liu CT, Lai PL, Fu PS, et al. Total solution of a smart shade matching. J Dent Sci. 2023;18(3):1323-1329. doi:10.1016/j.jds.2023.04.003
Kalpana D, Rao SJ, Joseph JK, Kurapati SKR. Digital dental photography. Indian J Dent Res. 2018;29(4):507-512. doi:10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_396_17
Ahmad I. Digital dental photography. Part 7: extra-oral set-ups. Br Dent J. 2009;207(3):103-110. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.667
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