Bilateral plantar and achilles tendon spurs.
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Calcaneal tuberosity, Plantar calcaneal spur, Bony outgrowth, Calcaneal spur, Plantar heel pain, Plantar fasciitis.

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Aragão, J. A., Sant’Anna Aragão, F. M., Sant’Anna Aragão, I. C., Costa Lourenço, B., Rodrigues Oliveira, A. C., Conceição Porto, L., Adário Marassi, P. H., Ribeiro Guerra, D., & Prado Reis, F. (2023). Bilateral plantar and achilles tendon spurs. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 286–294.


Context: A calcaneal spur, also known as an enthesophyte, is an abnormal bone growth on the underside of the calcaneus, which is the most common site for a bone spur to occur. Although there is consensus that calcaneal spurs are a common cause of heel pain, approximately 20% of calcaneal spurs are asymptomatic and their pathology is still not fully understood. Objective: Report the presence of a plantar spur on the calcaneus and another on the insertion of the Achilles tendon bilaterally. Case report: Female patient, 58 years old, housewife, came to our clinic with a history of pain in the heel region bilaterally when walking, more pronounced on the left, which started approximately two years ago. An X-ray of the ankles and feet was requested, where an enthesophyte could be seen at the insertion of the Achilles tendon and in the plantar fascia of the Achilles in both the right and left foot. After diagnosing the presence of enthesophytes, she was medicated with a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug and referred to physical therapy. After a year, the pain improved and she returned to his daily walking activities. Conclusion: Conservative clinical treatment produced satisfactory results in the treatment of calcaneal spurs.
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Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 José Aderval Aragão, Felipe Matheus Sant’Anna Aragão, Iapunira Catarina Sant’Anna Aragão, Bárbara Costa Lourenço, Ana Clara Rodrigues Oliveira, Luciano Conceição Porto, Pedro Henrique Adário Marassi, Danilo Ribeiro Guerra, Francisco Prado Reis


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