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Breast cancer; Epidemiology; Mortality

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Costa, M. D., Costa , M. D., Ericeira , M. da S., Lima , W. W. D., Reis , L. M., Melo , J. M. D. de, Silva , J. I. da, Silva , C. de M. L., Vasconcelos , C. A. L. e, Alves , G. M. L., Crucinsky , V. M. P., & Mariot , E. de J. M. (2024). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SCENARIO OF MORTALITY FROM MALIGNANT BREAST NEOPLASMS IN BRAZIL FROM 2019 TO 2023. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 2384–2397. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n4p2384-2397


Breast cancer is characterized by the abnormal, rapid and disordered proliferation of breast tissue cells. The disease develops as a result of genetic changes. In its normal functioning, the body replaced old cells with new, healthy cells. Objective: To investigate the clinical and epidemiological scenario of mortality from breast neoplasms between the years 2019 and 2023. Methodology: This is an epidemiological study, of descriptive character with information obtained through the Hospital Admissions System by the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), analyzing the epidemiological scenario of mortality due to malignant breast neoplasms in Brazil, in a time frame from 2019 to 2023, filtered according to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), the code used was Malignant breast neoplasms. Data on deaths due to malignant breast neoplasms were analyzed in Brazil, which presented a number of 29,820 deaths. Results and Discussion: Data on mortality from malignant breast neoplasms between 2019 and 2023 were analyzed, where it was possible to estimate 2.1 million new cases of cancer and 627 thousand deaths from the disease. The year 2022 presented the highest death rate with a number of 6,246, among the age groups analyzed the highest rates are between 40 and 69 years old with a higher percentage among the white race. The southeast region leads the ranking with 16,351 deaths. Conclusion: It is understood that some factors may be directly associated with the high number of deaths from malignant neoplasms caused by breast cancer, such as age group. Investment in health education is necessary to inform society about the importance of breast cancer care and screening. Screening strategies will help reduce cases of neoplasms and act to reduce the number of deaths, thus ensuring early diagnosis. .

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maiane Damasceno Costa, Maira Damasceno Costa , Maria da Silva Ericeira , Wendryus William De Lima , Luísa Mendes Reis , José Mário Delaiti de Melo , Janaína Inácio da Silva , Cleonice de Macedo Lopes Silva , Cícera Andressa Meac , Georgia Mayara Leandro Alves , Viviane Maria Principe Crucinsky , Elizilda de Jesus Machado Mariot


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