“Osseointegration” as formulated by Alberktson is crucial for implant survival and success. Osseointegration is a measure of implant stability. Measuring implant stability helps to arrive at decisions as to loading of an implant, allows choice of protocol on a patient to patient basis and provides better case documentation. A successful implant reflects good bone to implant contact and is determined by implant stability both primary and secondary. Implant stability is achieved at two different stages – primary (immediately after implant placement) and secondary (3-4 months after implant placement). Implant stability has been confirmed to affect the process of osseointegration and therefore is essential to understand the methods to measure implant stability and factors influencing. Various methods are developed to assess implant stability which suggests the prognosis of an implant.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Antonio Santos Araújo , Marcos Santos Araújo