A relationship between Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in HSD11β1 and ADIPOQ genes and obesity related features in children and adolescents submitted on physical exercises


physical exercise

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Cardozo Gasparin, C., Leite, N., Lehtonen Rodrigues de Souza, R., Viater Tureck , L., E. Milano-Gai , G., Pizzi, J., R. Silva, L., de Fátima Aguiar Lopes , M., A. Lopes, W., & Furtado-Alle, L. (2024). A relationship between Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in HSD11β1 and ADIPOQ genes and obesity related features in children and adolescents submitted on physical exercises. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 1791–1810. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n1p1791-1810


Obesity have overloaded the public health system and it is considered a multifactorial trait. This study aimed to verify if Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) in ADIPOQ (rs1501299) and HSD11β1 (rs12086634) genes influence the anthropometric and biochemical outcomes (Body Mass Index (BMI), Abdominal Circumference (AC), Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C), High Density Lipoprotein (HDL-C), Triglycerides (TG), Total Cholesterol (TC) and Glucose (Glu)) before and after practicing physical exercises training modalities, in a sample of 126 Southern Brazilian children and adolescents. Genotyping were performed by Taqman allelic discrimination. T carriers of rs1501299 had a higher BMI reduction (b*=0.28±0.12; p=1.70.10-2) and TT genotype of rs12086634 influence on AC reduction (b*=-0.33±0.13; p=1.24.10-2), independent of sex, age and modality of physical exercise. Ultimately, we observed an association of SNP of ADIPOQ and HSD11β1 gene with anthropometric variables early in life and the importance of physical exercise on biochemical and obesity related features.



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Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Caroline Cardozo Gasparin, Neiva Leite, Ricardo Lehtonen Rodrigues de Souza, Luciane Viater Tureck , Gerusa E. Milano-Gai , Juliana Pizzi, Larissa R. Silva, Maria de Fátima Aguiar Lopes , Wendell A. Lopes, Lupe Furtado-Alle